Your gifts make a difference as we Share God’s Love and Bring Hope to the World. There are several different ways you can donate to St. Luke’s. Each of these methods provides end-of-year giving statements. Donations are tax-deductible.
Your gifts make a difference as we Share God’s Love and Bring Hope to the World. There are several different ways you can donate to St. Luke’s. Each of these methods provides end-of-year giving statements. Donations are tax-deductible.
At St. Luke’s, we believe giving is good for the soul. We live in a world where many people are focused on their own needs. When we look beyond our own situation and see the needs in the world around us, our perspective is different. We believe that generosity and giving helps us to grow in our walk with God and make a difference in our community and world.
The amount you give is between you and God. We encourage “tithing,” which means giving 10% of your income to further the ministry of Christ. We encourage every family to pray about what gifts you will give to help St. Luke’s accomplish the mission of Sharing God’s Love and Bringing Hope to the World.
At St. Luke’s, we ask every member family to make an annual financial commitment. The reason for this request is simple: we will only commit to spend what the family of faith commits to give. When each family makes a commitment, we are able to make plans for ministry and mission that will fit within our means. We can always dream big dreams, but we will only make plans when we can underwrite them financially.
In the Old Testament we read about the tithe in Leviticus 27:30 – “A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord.” In this way, the “tithe” represents our giving to God from the first 10% of whatever we receive. In the New Testament, the focus is less on a percentage and more on the heart, as expressed in 2 Corinthians 9:7 – “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” We encourage every member to seek God’s guidance in how you will give to the church.
We are committed to making sure every gift makes a difference! When you give to support the general operations of the church, your support provides for:
Many members also choose to make designated gifts that help underwrite specific ministry areas such as Arts, El Sistema, Meals on Wheels, the St. Luke’s Foundation, and many others.
We provide many convenient ways to give your gifts. When you give online, you can use your bank account or credit card for a one-time or recurring gift. Your gift is recorded and reported to you for tax purposes.
Is it safe to give online? We use the latest secure and compliant methods available to ensure your privacy.
What types of bank accounts can I give from? Gifts can be made from a checking or savings account or credit or debit card.
Are there any fees involved with giving online? We do not charge a fee for giving; the cost of bank fees is part of our annual budget.
Can I make a one-time contribution? Yes
What are my options for recurring gifts?
Many members choose to make monthly or quarterly gifts.
How can I make changes after setting up a recurring gift?
You can make changes through our secure online site (click here) or by calling the church office at 405-232-1371.
Can I review my donation history online?
Yes, you can login and review your personal contribution record here.
Will I still receive regular contribution statements from online giving?
Yes, you can receive a contribution statement by mail or email.
When will contributions be taken out of my account?
Contributions occur at the time of your choosing.
Can I designate my gift to a particular cause?
Yes, you may choose any ministry area. We are committed to making sure every gift is spent exactly as the donor intends.
Information about ministry budgets, along with financial statements and independent auditor’s reports for St. Luke’s Methodist Church and St. Luke’s Methodist Foundation, are available upon request. Please contact Rev. Josh Attaway using the button below or call the church office at (405) 232-1371.