September 20, 2016

A few weeks ago I happened to notice a sunset as I was driving home.  It had all the beautiful hues of violet, red, and orange.  I caught myself remembering how beautiful sunsets are on the beach.  And then I started to wonder what made the beach sunsets better.  I thought the answer was that ocean sunsets were more vibrant and seemed larger.  But of course, that is just an illusion.  The same sun sets in Oklahoma as in Florida, the Caribbean, and California.  As I really examined the sunset – it looked just as beautiful as any I had seen elsewhere.  The sunsets at the beach were unencumbered by other distractions.  Mentally, I stripped away the noise of traffic as well as the visual intrusions of billboards, telephone poles, and other obstructions.  The more I was able to do that, the more I realized that I was looking at a sunset that rivaled any that I had ever witnessed at the ocean.  The difference was not in the beauty, but in the amount of distractions.

The truth is we are surrounded by the sights and sounds of beauty – moments with family and friends, Sunday morning worship, children laughing, and evening sunsets.  But we often miss the beauty because we permit too many distractions into our lives.  We have allowed technology to invade our every waking moment and give way to worries that occupy our thoughts.

God has placed so much beauty in our lives; it would be a shame to miss it.

One of the ways that we can take advantage of the gifts that God has given us is to try to practice being in the moment.  When you are with friends and family, really be with them.  Don’t try to multitask and work on your computer while talking with them.  Show them that they are worth your undivided attention.  Work on giving that same undivided attention to the other moments of beauty in your life.  Focus on the sounds of birds when you step out for a walk instead of immediately putting your headphones on.  Take time to pray before your dinner and then savor the food you eat instead of rushing through the meal.  Enjoy the beauty of life and live it to the fullest.

Today – try stripping away the distractions in your life.  Focus on what is really important in life.  Make the first things first.  And be sure to step outside and really look at the sunset – God is blessing you with an ocean view every evening whether you are on the beach or in your backyard!

Rev. Wendy Lambert, Senior Executive Pastor
