October 26, 2022

Football is a challenging sport. Football requires all participants to be in the best possible physical shape. The game is brutal. The hitting takes an enormous toll on the body. The constant contact between players is not the only thing that is demanding on the body. The average college football game lasts just over 3 hours. A player must have incredible stamina to play their best for an entire game. That is why you mostly see young people playing the game. The average age of retirement from the National Football League is 27. Although some play the game into their 30s, it is rare. Almost no players play beyond age 40.

When I read that a 49-year-old player took the field for his first game this year, it caught my attention. Ray Ruschel plays for North Dakota State College of Science.  Ruschel joined the army when he graduated from high school. He now works as a mechanic at a large factory that processes food. He works the night shift. Ruschel decided he needed more education to gain a promotion at work. He decided to earn a degree in business. When he enrolled at the small college, he realized they had a football team. He thought to himself, “why not?”

Ray reached out to the coach and asked for an opportunity. The coach, who is only a year older that Ruschel, was concerned for his safety. They eventually allowed him to come to practice where Ruschel joined the team, most of whom were 30 years younger than he was. His hard work, talent, and determination earned him a spot on the team. He has played in all the games this season and he is doing great.

At a time in his life when he might be thinking about taking it easy, Ray Ruschel decided to try something new. He not only went back to school, but he joined the football team. Ruschel said that, “I love the game of football and I just wanted to play. If I tried and failed, I’d have at least tried. The bigger regret would be to do nothing.” I have no doubt that Ray takes a little longer to heal than the teenagers he plays with, but I can only imagine the joy he has experienced this year.

When we are willing to try new things, we find that we are capable of far more than we allow ourselves to believe. When we are willing to experience something new, we will often find a joy we did not know. Too often, we limit ourselves and we never risk trying something fresh. Ray Ruschel is a wonderful reminder that life is full of amazing possibilities, and we must be willing to step out of our comfort and experience something new. You never know the joy that could be waiting for you when you try something for the first time, or try something again after a long time.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship