March 2, 2022

Our Lenten sermon series for this year is entitled Saving Grace. We’re looking at the ways the grace of God saves us to live life as new creations. The fascinating truth is that God’s love is revealed to us in numerous ways throughout our lives.

When I look back on my life, I know my parents were a primary way I came to know God’s love for me. I don’t take for granted how blessed I was to have the parents I did. My mother and father were incredible people each in their own right. Together, their strengths and weaknesses complimented each other in ways that were perfect for them to be great parents for me and my brother.

My father was the quieter one of the two. While we weren’t a wealthy family, in fact, we would be seen as quite the opposite by today’s standards. But my father was a hard worker and there was never a time I went without. Whatever I needed – money for youth, a new baseball glove or cleats – I had. Looking back, I can tell you that I learned a lot about the way that God provides for our needs because of the way my father lived.

My mother was far more gregarious. While she wasn’t a bad cook, she wasn’t really known for her cooking skills. But, she created beautiful table settings. At the holidays, she set out beautiful china and decorations that made a festive occasion even more so. Even during times and vocations where men dominated the work force, my mother carved out her own niche and was quite successful. From my mother, I learned about God’s grace moments and hospitality. In addition, I learned God loves each one of us and gifts us with unique gifts that help us to use them to make a difference in the world.

Together, my parents showed me the importance of church. We were there for Sunday School to grow in our faith; worship services to show our love for Christ and feel His love in return; and missional projects to live out our calling to bless the lives of others. Time and again, I was taught about the love of God by feeling how much my parents loved me and seeing how they loved others.

It’s been my goal to take the examples I gained from my parents and pass them on to my children and employ them in my vocation.

All of us have been blessed by people in our lives who have helped us to learn about grace and mercy. But the blessing of God doesn’t stop there; the blessing continues because it’s then that God uses us to bless the lives of others. Throughout this series, I hope you will pause to remember the ones who have been living examples of God’s love. And once you’ve had a chance to remember and give thanks, take the opportunity to consider ways that your life can reflect the love of God to the world.

– Dr. Robert E. Long, Senior Pastor