“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in” – Matthew 25:35
After an unusually warm December, winter has arrived. The Artic has unleashed a flurry of cold fronts and our temperatures have plummeted. We have even seen our first snow of the year in Oklahoma. It might be cold here, but our winter has been rather mild compared to what those on the East Coast are experiencing.
On Tuesday, January 4, a severe winter storm moved across a large area, including Virginia and Washington D.C. The storm caught many off guard. First ice, then snow blanketed the area, stranding thousands of people on the roads. People were stuck in their cars for over twelve hours. The freezing temperatures were truly dangerous to all who were stranded in their vehicles overnight.
As the sun rose and the traffic remained at a standstill, motorists began experiencing hunger pains. One couple, John and Casey Noe were stranded next to a Schmidt Baking Company truck. The couple wondered if the driver would let them have something from inside. Instead of asking the driver, they called the company directly. In just a few moments they were speaking directly with the owner of the company, Chuck Paterakis. The owner contacted the truck driver, who was also stranded, and instructed him to open the truck and share with the people who had now been stranded for overnight.
Ron Hill was the truck driver; he was joined by John and Casey as they gathered bread in their arms and distributed to over 50 vehicles. All were incredibly thankful for the generosity and compassion that Chuck Paterakis demonstrated to those who were in need.
The Schmidt Baking Company did not end the traffic jam on I-95 that day. However, their compassion, during a terrible situation, brought momentary joy and full stomachs to many people. Compassion is necessary if we truly want to build a better world. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to respond to the needs we see. This is the primary way that we share God’s love and bring hope to the world. When we feed the hungry and welcome the stranger who are among us, we share the reality of God with them. God has blessed us, and out of our blessings we share, so that others are cared for, and so that they know God’s love for them.
– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship