February 1, 2021

“Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.” – Philippians 2:4

Our days are full. Our work, family, and other obligations keep us on the move.  Often, we don’t have a lot of time to accomplish all the things we need to do in one day.  So, we push ahead and work through our to-do lists.  It is important to work hard to complete the tasks before us.  However, as we work, we should not lose sight of the people in our midst.

Shonda Lemon is a wonderful example of what it means to work hard, but care for people.  Shonda is a mail carrier in Chicago.  Her daily route keeps her busy, to say the least.  She has so much mail to deliver.  However, that did not keep her from noticing one person on her busy route.  One day, while delivering the mail, Shonda noticed that Helen Iwanski had not picked up the previous day’s mail.  In fact, Helen had not picked up several days’ mail.  Shonda could have stuffed more mail in the box and went on her way, but she stopped and decided to call the police.

Helen Iwanski is 89-years-old.  She lives by herself.  Sadly, Helen had fallen three days earlier.  When the police arrived and entered Helen’s house, they found her on the floor.  They were able to care for her until an ambulance arrived.  They transported Helen to the hospital where she received great care and is now on the way to a full recovery.

I can’t imagine what Helen must have gone through during those long and terrible days.  I know she must have been in pain and needing physical help.  I also know that she must have experienced terrible loneliness.  Thankfully, Shonda Lemon took a moment to consider another person.

Loving our neighbor requires us to consider the condition of others.  When we think someone is in need, we take time to respond to that need.  I believe that one of the biggest obstacles we have to caring for others is the fear of surrendering our time to others.  Shonda Lemon reminds us that a little of our time can make a big difference in another’s life.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship