May 15, 2020

“I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you.” – John 14:18

Mother’s Day is a bittersweet time for me. I have great gratitude and joy when I think of my wife and how wonderful of a mother she is to our girls. I also give my thanks to God for the wonderful mother who raised me. The strong faith of both of these women are part of who I am today.

Sadly, the time between Mother’s Day and Memorial Day are more than just a time for gratitude for me. It has been five years now since my Mom passed away. Cancer and a stroke took her life.  It happened so quickly. Within just a few short weeks we went from having no knowledge that she had cancer to losing my mom. It was a loss to my family and me that left us in shock. My mom was a special lady. She had been my anchor throughout life. She was the glue that held our family together.  I miss my mom. She meant so much to each person in our family.

During her brief illness and death, I remember being overcome with moments of intense grief.  What would life be like without her around? Who would encourage us in the dark times in life? What would Christmas be like without her? Who would be willing to listen to me blabber on and on about my children? I did not want to lose my mom and those special conversations and moments we had together.

When I look back on that difficult time, I realize that God was with me, even in my loss. The people who surround us with their presence and prayers brought to us the comforting presence of God.  Even though I had experienced a terrible loss and felt such emptiness without my mother, I was reminded of the great promise of Jesus to his disciples. He will never leave us. He will not let us be as orphaned children.  As I said goodbye to my mom, God, in mercy, drew ever closer and comforted my family and me in our loss. I have learned all the more to delight in His presence. There is a deep peace that is found in knowing that He is with us.  I give thanks that I am not orphaned. I am not alone.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship