“Jesus also was invited to the marriage, with his disciples.” –John 2:2
I cannot help but wonder who invited Jesus to that wedding in Cana of Galilee? Do you think they knew just how special Jesus was? I wonder if they had a clue that Jesus would be able to perform a wonderful sign of God’s power and make the wedding a special day that would be immortalized in history? This wedding miracle, so well-known in our faith story, was made possible because of an invitation.
A simple invitation can change a life. I was in 7th grade when a friend invited me to an event that transformed my life. One Sunday morning, just as worship was finishing, Lisa made her way across the sanctuary and invited me to attend the youth program that night. I accepted her invitation, not knowing a single thing about the youth ministry. When I arrived that night, I was excited to find people playing football. I joined in immediately. I met several people that night that would become my closest friends to this day. I enjoyed the games, the study and worship that night. I had such a nice time that evening. I made sure I came back the next week.
It was only three years later that God called me into ministry. Through that youth ministry I grew to become a person who was able to hear and discern the call of God in my life. Lisa probably did not think her invitation was any special feat. It turns out that simple invitation was one of the great events that I look back on as life changing.
Have you ever desired to make a difference in a person’s life? Do you believe that God could use you to make a difference in someone’s life? It could be that a simple invitation is the great feat that God calls you to accomplish today to make a difference in someone’s life. Invite someone to worship, to a Bible study or your Sunday school class. Your invitation could be that very miracle that changes a life.
Keith King, Pastor of Worship