September 3, 2019

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. “-Matthew 6:33

I’m a proud coffee drinker!  Studies have shown that 1-2 cups of coffee per day may have health benefits, including protecting against Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes, liver disease and even liver cancer. Coffee also appears to improve cognitive function and decreases the risk of depression.  There’s something special to me about the aroma, as it evokes memories of loved ones who were coffee drinkers.  My Grandmother Hunt was a morning person, so with her cup of coffee there was a lot of chatter, and usually her best rendition of an old hymn.  My mom drank coffee as she worked around the house, and would sometimes have some in the afternoon.  Since she had six children within a 10-year span, I think she needed the caffeine.  As she grew older, we often shared a cup of coffee and enjoyed long visits.  Many memories of Mom and other family members involve coffee!

My coffee ritual has changed over the years.  I started drinking coffee socially in college.  After a meal, my friends and I would hang out and drink coffee.  The extra caffeine was just what we needed to stay awake to study.  That benefit continued when I started teaching school and became a mother.

These days, I enjoy taking my morning cup of coffee to the patio and drinking it as I read my Bible and have quiet time alone with God.  In the wintertime, I have a special place in my living room for my quiet time.  It’s in these moments that I can really hear God speaking to me.  Honestly, it’s about the only time during the day when I intentionally listen for His voice.

I don’t have everything figured out and I make mistakes daily, but I do know this; time spent in the Word and prayer, along with my coffee, are things I need in order to be ready to face each new challenge.   It really isn’t anything to brag about.  There are 1,440 minutes in each day, and my quiet time is usually a paltry 30 minutes.  However, they’re the most important minutes because they’re my daily orientation for everything else that follows.  It’s like God telling me, “Susan, your day is before you, I’ll be with you no matter what happens, now go and share my love with others.”

“All I need is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus!”

Susan Easttom, Director of Family Ministries