February 3, 2019

Bible Point: Jesus came for all people.

Key Verse: For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. – Luke 19:10

God sent Jesus to earth to die for the sins of everyone (Luke 4:14-21). Strengthen your family’s faith learning and growth at home with this easy idea:

  1. Talk about a time you felt lost or alone. Share how you felt when Jesus helped you or comforted you. What did Jesus do for you? How did you know that Jesus was helping you?
  2. Talk about how Jesus came to earth and died for everyone’s sins. Encourage each family member to talk about what it means to him or her that Jesus came for all people.


God, thank You for sending Jesus to die for the sins of every person. Remind us that we’re never alone because Jesus is always with us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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