“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28
This being the month of January there is always lots of talk about bettering ourselves, becoming healthier, and losing weight. So of course, I had been trying to be good along with everyone else- I’d made about two weeks of good choices- then BAM- a bad day hit.
My three-year-old didn’t want to cooperate and by the time we got to school I was so excited to see donuts on the front desk. I didn’t stop because I wanted to drop Cate off in class and eat my donut in peace!
I came downstairs after numerous hugs and kisses, went to reach for the donut box and IT WAS GONE!!
Paula, the Children’s Center Assistant Director and my right hand, had thrown them away because they’d been out all morning. She said, “The only donut left was the gross sprinkle one!” to which I replied, “Those are my favorite!!!” We joked all morning about God’s divine intervention to help me stay on track.
It is so true, that even when we see something that we believe will fix the problem or fill a void in our life, God has his way and timing to lead us on his path not our own. God’s path leads to a life full and abundant. God’s way is far better than a donut with sprinkles.
As we begin this new week, I hope you will join me and give thanks to God who leads us to a better life. And let us give thanks to our friends who help keep us on the right path, as well.
-Mandi Moon, St. Luke’s Children’s Center