July 24, 2018

“Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for me.” –Psalm 66:16

Walter Carr is a 20-year-old young man whose story has inspired many people the past two weeks. Walter has many needs and some big dreams. He knew that he needed money to meet his needs so he found a job with moving company. He was excited to start work at the job he needed so desperately.

Sadly, the night before Walter’s first day of work his car broke down. He tried every possible way to get to work. Having no luck finding a ride, Walter decided to walk to work. The difficult thing was that Walter’s work was 20 miles from his home. He took a nap and left his house at midnight.

Walter had walked about 10 miles when he decided to rest in a parking lot. It was not long until he was spotted by a police officer. The officer stopped and asked him what was going on. Walter told him his story and why he was walking to work. His story inspired the officer who took Walter to breakfast and drove him the rest of the way to work.

When the officer brought Walter to work he began to tell everyone about Walter’s dedication to making his first day of work. Every person who heard the story was inspired. Jenny Lamey, the owner of the home that Walter was helping to pack and move told the news, “I just can’t tell you how touched I was by Walter and his journey…I am in total awe of this young man.”

The more people told the story the more people were inspired to make a difference. Jenny Lamey began a GoFundMe page to raise money to fix Walter’s car. When word reached Luke Marklin, the owner of the moving company, he was more than inspired by his newest employee. The next day Luke brought Walter to work and gave him his car. The gift of a nearly new car overwhelmed Walter.

Walter’s story of hard work and dedication has been shared around the world. It is inspiring people, to work harder to achieve their own dreams… And others have been inspired to help others achieve their dreams. When we hear good news, our hearts are stirred. When we share good news, we can inspire others. What is the story that inspires you? Don’t hesitate to tell your story. You never know who you may inspire.

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor