October 21, 2019

Meteora is a place that is hard to describe because of the geological formations but even more special to see when you realize that it’s the location of several monasteries (and more recently, two nunneries). The monasteries were built in the 16th century by monks and placed on the top of the rock formations for the seclusion and security. Monks had originally used the caves in the rock structures starting in the 11th century, and when the monasteries were finally built they could be reached by lowering a basket to the  ground and using a pulley to pull the person or supplies to the top. Our bus driver drove to the top of one of the formations so that we could visit a nunnery located there. Although we weren’t able to take pictures of the chapel, we were impressed with the beautiful artwork inside. Today was also Corinth! It was amazing to be there and see the archeological finding located there. We had a time of worship where we sang “Amazing Grace” and the phrase “I was blind, but now I see.” reminded us of the apostle Paul’s conversion experience. We celebrated Holy Communion and closed our time in prayer. I was blessed to meet a woman from Kenya – she was surprised to hear that I had just been in her home country!