Bible Point: Jesus loves everyone.
Key Verse: “He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life” (1 John 5:12).
We learned this week that when a Samaritan woman talked to Jesus at a well, Jesus offered the woman living water. Like the Samaritan woman, Jesus offers us living water and a new life if we’ll accept it (John 4:5-42). Strengthen your family’s faith learning and growth at home with this easy idea:
Share from your own experience (or from the experience of a family friend) about how knowing Jesus has changed your life. Talk about what’s been better and even what’s been harder in your life as a Christian. For example, maybe being a Christian has helped you handle difficult situations with more grace. On the other hand, maybe being a Christian has made it harder for you to relate to family members who aren’t Christians. Encourage your kids to share ways knowing Jesus has changed their lives as well.
God, thank you for allowing us to have a relationship with you. We’re so grateful for the life you offer us in Jesus. Please help us tell others about Jesus. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Our family thanks God for: _______________________________________________
Our family talks to God about: _____________________________________________