November 17, 2019

Bible Point: God wants us to be faithful

Key Verse: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

We heard how Elisha refused to leave his master, Elijah. Because of Elisha’s faithfulness, God allowed him to see Elijah being taken into heaven by chariots. God blessed Elisha so he was able to perform many miracles as a prophet. We, too, must be faithful where God has placed us (2 Kings 2:1-15). Strengthen your family’s faith learning and growth with this easy idea.

1. Talk to your kids about someone who is faithful to you. How has this person been faithful to you?

2. Now talk about what it means to be faithful to God in the same way—to stay true, to never leave, to love him only. Point out ways that your family is faithful to God, such as obeying God, doing what’s right even when it’s hard, or going to church to learn more about God.
3. Encourage your family to continue to be faithful to God


Lord, we need You to teach us what it means to be faithful. And we need the discipline to be faithful when we’re feeling tired or lazy. Please help us be faithful this week in every detail of our lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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