May 16, 2022

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” – Ephesians 2:10

The question, “Who am I?” is a significant question. This question can be answered in so many wonderful ways. I am a husband, a father, a pastor, and a disciple of Jesus Christ are just a few descriptions of how I can answer the question, “Who am I?” We each have multiple answers.  Philosophers have wrestled with this question and written pages upon pages about it. Poets have penned verse after verse about who we are, and yet we still grapple with our identity. In so many ways, our modern culture is struggling with the question, “Who am I?”

Recently, Laura Young helped to identify and rescue one person, lost to history, and return them from obscurity. While looking for hidden treasure at her local Goodwill, Laura spotted a marble bust. At first glance, the statue looked old to her. When she picked it up, it was cold and heavy. She had no doubt it was marble. Laura knew that the marble bust was something more, something special. She paid $34.99 and took her treasure home. She contacted a few experts and soon realized that she had found something extraordinary.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime find. What others deemed as a cheap knickknack, only worthy of a thrift store, turned out to be a priceless treasure. The sculpture was from ancient Rome. One art expert says it may be Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus, a Roman military commander.  After significant research, Laura found out that the statue belongs to the Bavarian government. It was originally purchased by a Bavarian king in the 19thcentury. It was looted during WWII and next, found at Goodwill. It was a Royal representation purchased at an exorbitant royal price to represent the greatness of multiple countries. Time and war caused generations to forget who and what was represented.

Thankfully, Laura saw what the creator intended. Thankfully, she possessed the insight to reclaim and redeem this wonderful piece of art. This is what God does for us. In love, God creates us with purpose. God creates us in His very image. The struggles of our world often wrestle us away from our true identity. We forget who we are and who the people around us are, as well. Yet, repeatedly, God redeems us and restores us. He reminds us that we are His children, and our identity comes from our Creator, not from our history, our struggles, or our success. We are first and foremost the children of God. A masterpiece created by the hands of God Almighty.

Today, let us be reminded that we are a treasure, created by God. We were created to do good works in love. God, who created us in love, redeems us in love, and sends us on a mission to share that same redemptive love with the world. It is a love our world desperately needs as we wrestle with the question, “Who am I?”

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship