October 25, 2022

“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all. But grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” – Ephesians 4:4-7

I have had the privilege of participating with several mission teams in different parts of the world. Most of those projects involved construction, or disaster response. I have also had the privilege of participating in a few medical mission trips, which were far more challenging for me than the construction trips.

I will never forget my first medical mission trip. Our team was serving at the United Methodist clinic in Rio Bravo, Mexico. The trip was wonderful. We served several hundred people who would likely not have received medical care without the help of the clinic. We witnessed many difficult things on this trip. Hard to imagine just how good our medical care is in the United States and how deficient it is in other places. We did our best to help. I witnessed hundreds of people leaving the clinic with smiles on their faces after receiving medicine, hope, and the loving care of each of our team members.

There were many times on that trip when I asked myself, “Why am I in Rio Bravo?” I would often focus on my inability to offer medical care. I’m not a doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. The need at that clinic was overwhelming, but as I swept the floors, ran errands for the team members, prayed with families, and offered my limited skills, I realized our work together was enough to make a difference.

God created us as unique individuals. We each have gifts to offer. It is easy to think that our talents are not enough, but that is not how the body of Christ works. The family of faith is better when each person contributes their efforts. We are different because that is what God intended. When we all offer our time, our talents, and our financial gifts to help make other’s lives better, we will become the church God intended us to be.

Where is God calling you to serve? What gifts has God given you? Maybe it is sweeping floors or maybe it is healing the sick. God has created you to be a blessing!

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship