November 8, 2023

“One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.” – Luke 6:12

The gospels record many parts of Jesus’ life. One thing that all four gospel writers include is that Jesus was faithful in prayer. There are so many occasions that Jesus prayed. At times, he prayed short prayers of gratitude. He prayed before significant acts of ministry. Jesus often would go away and pray.

Luke records that Jesus, “went out to a mountainside to pray.” He spent the entire night out, away from those who were following him and immersed himself in prayer. Immediately after this time, he selected the twelve disciples, healed many people, and offered one of his most significant teachings, all this in Luke chapter 6.

Luke’s gospel story is teaching far more than the stories written on the page. When we read the entire chapter together, you see that prayer comes first. Immerse in prayer, we find connection with God’s spirit, understanding of God’s will, and strength for each day.

When we look to Jesus as the example of our life of faith, we understand that we must also immerse our lives in prayer. Before we start our day, before we make decisions, before we close our eyes at night, we should pray. The Apostle Paul understood this and would later record that we should, “pray constantly.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).  When we pray, we connect with a wisdom and power far beyond ourselves. When we pray, we offer ourselves a moment of peace, apart from the distractions of our lives.

I encourage you to take a moment to pray. Jesus prayed often. This is our example. Step away from all that complicates your day and speak with the one who offers peace, wisdom, strength, and joy.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship