February 21, 2022

One of the tragic statistics of the time we live in is that because of a worldwide pandemic, we are approaching one million deaths in this country alone. They are all ages and races. They are Republicans and Democrats. The world, for the most part, has joined together to do their part in developing vaccines and other therapies to fight this disease, but there is still so much to do.

As I thought about this worldwide health emergency, it made me remember another crisis.  It was over 35 years ago that over a million lives were lost in Ethiopia because of a severe famine. 200,000 children became orphans in a country that has experienced severe famines repeatedly. Worldwide efforts were made to ease that crisis as well, but one generated more attention than others.

It involved 45 of the biggest pop stars in America coming together to record a song that would help raise 63 million dollars for famine relief. Lionel Richie was the impetus for helping to create this gathering, plus he along with Michael Jackson wrote the song, We Are the World.

Lionel Richie was one of the biggest stars of the 1980s. He had a couple of songs that went to number one on the charts and three others that made the top ten. He almost didn’t become a singer. Growing up he was active in the Episcopalian Church. He considered studying for the priesthood, but in the end decided his gifts were in making music.

But he always remembered his roots in the church and the importance of helping others. So, in 1985, when he saw what was happening in Ethiopia, he wanted to do something. It was a huge project. Who would they recruit to sing and how would they control all these egos? The story is that when the artists gathered in the LA studio where they would record, they all had to come through a door where there was a sign posted which said, “Check your egos at the door.”

Still, many of these artists had never met each other. Some would sing solos… some would just be part of the chorus. They represented all facets of American music from Ray Charles to Willie Nelson, from Billy Joel to Bruce Springsteen, from Bob Dylan to Cyndi Lauper.

The night they recorded the song, Lionel said they still did not know for sure who would show up. But those who did sing came together and made a remarkable record. A song about God’s grace being extended to all. The lyrics included these words, ”Oh, send them your heart. So, they know that someone cares. And their lives will be stronger and free. As God has shown us by turning stones to bread… and so, we all must lend a helping hand.”

The stars worked all night and finally finished around 8:30 in the morning. Lionel Richie’s dream was finally a reality. In a recent interview, he talked about that night so many years ago and the present crisis. Someone asked him, could they do a project like We Are the World for Covid. Lionel Richie wasn’t sure that it would work today, but then he added, “I must admit, every once in a while, God has to do something to get us back on track.” It is God’s saving grace that can even bring together a group of superstars and force them to “check their egos” in order to do something to build a better world.

– Rev. Dave Poteet, Pastor of Congregational Care