September 13, 2016

Our most precious and finite resource in this life is our time. We cannot touch it, we cannot quantify it, and (despite my best attempts) we can’t stretch or contract it for a more favorable outcome. If you’re anything like me, you can get overwhelmed by how many “self-improvements” are on your list of things to work on: keep a tidier house, floss as often as the hygienist recommended at your latest cleaning, keep up with a regular workout regimen, spend more time with God… And I tend to be the person that thinks I should do all of these self-improvements all at once, but the truth is, I just don’t have time for all of them! Instead of trying to fix everything, I focused on finding the one place—the one thing—to start with.

Life is full of so much life. For some, “life” means fervor, zeal, and joy for every adventure that life holds. For others, “life” means darkness, valleys, loneliness and confusion. To me, life promises both. I have many rainy days and the clouds in my life are still moving in. However, I can’t shake this feeling of incredible joy each time I walk through the doors at St. Luke’s, or hear my mom’s voice over the phone saying ‘I love you,’ or feel my husband’s hand take mine as we watch a sunrise together. I choose joy in those moments. Even when it’s a rainy day or I can feel the clouds begin to thunder in my life, I choose joy—that’s my ‘One Thing.’

I recently read a book called “The Noticer” by Andy Andrews. In the first few chapters, a character named Jones brings Andy, a homeless young man living under a pier in a beach town in Alabama, something to eat. Jones asks Andy, “What are you eating?” Andy replies, “I’m eating sardines and Vienna sausages.” Jones replies, “That’s a shame, because from where I sit, I’m having surf & turf with an ocean view. It’s all a matter of perspective.”

I sincerely hope that today you will choose joy even when life rains on your parade. I hope that you will feel God’s love for you through the people He puts in your life and through the grace He shows to all of us every day. And maybe you could even have surf & turf with an ocean view while you’re at it.

Beth Armstrong, Director of Welcoming Ministries
