July 13, 2021

“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” – Hebrews 13:16

Carnivals and fairs are a tradition throughout our country. During the spring and summer months, cities, counties, and states host large carnivals. Farmers, ranchers, and future farmers bring their crops and animals to compete. People come from all around to enjoy their favorite fried foods, play games, and ride the rides. Carnivals and fairs are a wonderful gathering where there is something for all to enjoy.

The people of northern Michigan were excited that the annual National Cherry Festival had returned after a year off due to COVID-19. People came from all around to enjoy the festival. With Lake Michigan as the backdrop, it was planned to be a fun and exciting event. The festival was off to a great start until a malfunction took place on one of the large carnival rides.

The Magic Carpet Ride is a large spinning ride that swings people in a loop. On a normal night, it is a fun ride that gives the riders a thrill and safely returns them to the fairgrounds below. On this night, the ride began to rock back and forth while the arm was swinging the riders in the normal pattern. It was dangerously close to flipping over.

Thankfully, several people who were walking by the ride decided to do something to help. One by one, patrons jumped on to the side of The Magic Carpet Ride to help stabilize it while the ride could be stopped. Over 25 people held on to the side of the ride and helped to bring every person safely back to the ground. As the riders exited the ride, they began to hug and share their gratitude with the people on the ground who saved their lives.

When I saw the video of the brave people who clung to the side of that ride, I was reminded how we need one another to make it through life. Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes things go wrong and get out of our control. We need people around us, who are firmly on the ground, to help stabilize us. Sometimes, we are the ones who are needed to help others.  The ride of life is not a ride we can do alone. We need each other. God created us for one another. Keep your eyes open today, you may need to jump on, hold tight, and help a neighbor.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship