December 19, 2017

I feel like it’s easy for us to sometimes lose sight of why we do the things we do. There are some workdays when it’s just complete chaos and I’m just trying to make my way toward checking things off my to-do list. But sure enough, just when I think I will never get it all finished, or I’m stressed out and in a time crunch, I slow down and watch God at work.

I teach Chapel on Wednesday mornings to children who are 2 – 4 years old. It’s amazing what these kids can remember and understand. They get so excited to sing songs to God, say The Lord’s Prayer together, and learn new Bible stories. In the middle of a crazy week, being able to worship with these little ones for a short amount of time is all that it takes to remind me why I do the things I do.

It seems every year around Christmas time, as I share the story of Jesus’ birth, there is at least one child who has never heard the Christmas Story. Or maybe they have heard it, but never truly listened before. When I’m able to share this special story with the kids and see their faces light up, it’s truly amazing. When they realize Jesus was once a young child just like them, they begin to realize He’s not just another superhero or famous person, but He’s truly the Son of God who came to earth for them.

I pray this Christmas season we all remember why we’re celebrating. I pray we don’t get caught up in the chaos, the busyness. I hope we don’t get stressed about the events that fill our calendar and worry about material things. I pray we remember a King was born, a King that one day would save us. It is truly a story that gives us a wonderful life.

Taylor Easttom, Edmond Campus Director of Children’s Ministry

Christmas Scene – Nacimiento