December 12, 2022

The story of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is one I think about often during the holiday season. The hustle and bustle of it all, partnered with reflection and hope for a new year. It is easy to let it all pass without really sitting down to ponder where life was, where it is now, and what direction it will be heading. I’ve thought, “What if the spirit of ‘Sarah Past’ showed up to teach me a lesson for the here and now or even the future?” I would love to say it would be a pleasant visit with only the hope of a bright future. While I reflect fondly on my past for the most part, the reality is my past, like others, is riddled with poor choices, wayward paths, and guilt about more than a few decisions.

I was raised in the church and faith has always been a part of my journey. I had a loving home with parents who taught me morals and faith. I have three siblings that are my best friends today. Still I, being the rebellious one, chose to learn most of my life lessons the hard way. Many times, throughout my teenage and young adult years, I often questioned if I was good enough to receive the abundance of God’s love. Maybe this time I went too far off course. Maybe this time, He said, “You used your last chance.” Thankfully we know the truth about God’s love and how it is unfailing and available to all.

I believe that in those years of growing up, making mistakes, questioning my worth, I would have been blown away if the spirit of ‘Sarah Future’ showed me as a Youth Director! How beautifully healing it would have been to see myself wrapped in the arms of a family of faith, trusting my ability to lead youth to God’s forever love. How inspiring it would have been to see just how real His grace is in our lives.

In the end, would I go back and change a few decisions? The answer is “yes” however, the spirit of ‘Sarah Present’ is showing me that despite it all, God’s love persevered. He held me close in times when I tried to run away. He guided me through valleys and over mountains in times when I didn’t know who I was following, all the while never leaving my side. He continues to bless my life and love me through the good, bad, and ugly.

This Advent Season, sit in the goodness of God’s love, remembering His grace is sufficient. Let the past teach you, but do not let it keep you stuck in shame. Let hope for the future inspire you, but accept the present and make the most of our many daily blessings.

“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future.” – Ebenezer Scrooge.

Sarah Cohea, Edmond Campus Director of Youth Ministry