April 19, 2023

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:5

It was 9:02 in the morning on April 19, 1995, when a loud explosion was heard across downtown Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City and the world would soon realize that a bomb had exploded, destroying much of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, and killing 168 innocent people. It is, to this day, the worst act of domestic terrorism in the United States. From this horrific event an important phrase emerged that I want to remind us of today.

Immediately, people from around Oklahoma City, including our amazing first responders, began helping. They cared for the wounded, comforted the victims and their families, and responded to whatever need emerged. St. Luke’s opened its doors to help. As the days moved on, people from all over responded. Specialists from around the country came to Oklahoma City to help with efforts, to recover survivors and investigate who committed such a despicable act. On the official FBI page, the story is told of how workers only had to tell the media what they needed and soon truckloads of supplies would show up. Workers could not pay for their own meals because people in OKC wanted to care for them. The way everyone cared for each other became known as “The Oklahoma Standard.”

The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building changed Oklahoma City and the world. The kindness shown by so many redefined that moment. Today, we remember the 168 who lost their lives. We remember the pain that so many felt at the loss of family, friends, co-workers, and loved ones. We remember those who came together to serve and bring healing to a community damaged by violence. As we remember that day, let us also remember the standard of love and kindness that the world witnessed in the days following, the Oklahoma Standard.

We are a people called to share God’s love with the world. We share that love through acts of kindness and compassion. I hope today we remember, and as we do, let us be called to a future where love and hope outshine darkness and evil. Love and kindness are our standards and how we bring hope to all.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship