December 12, 2020

This year, more than ever, I am doing the best I can to focus on my blessings and find gratitude daily.  It is easy these days to worry, stress, or be frustrated in many moments.  However, in the midst of 2020, I cannot help but thank my God for His hand in my life.  My daily gratitude includes the big-ticket items like a roof over my head, food on my table, good health in my family.  However, I want to focus on the little things too.  For instance, when a friend reaches out with an encouraging word at just the right time, or the little moments of peace I feel that I know only come from above.  Sun shining after a freak ice storm or hearing my daughter’s giggle from the other room.  I really want to savor these little moments more than ever. Those little things that I usually take for granted.

I have been reading a lot of Psalms because I love the poetic cry of joy and sorrow, pain and healing. Reminding me, our God is a God of comfort who will light up our darkest days.

You light a lamp for me.  The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness. – Psalms 18:28

I keep this verse close to my heart and remind myself of its promises on days when I am feeling doubtful, overwhelmed, or just plain exhausted with this year and all of the stresses.  I remind myself – I can use my words and attitude to spread light or darkness.  This Advent season, I hope to spread the Light to others God brings to me and remind myself to stay grounded in gratitude.

I am so grateful for St. Luke’s and all our church is doing to be a light in a dark time.  There are many opportunities available for each of us to step up and shine a light.  If you find yourself stuck in a rut, I encourage you to find a way to reach out through one of St. Luke’s many ministries.  Be the light to others that our God of peace is to us.  Let this family of faith shine bright within you.

Sarah Cohea, Edmond Campus Director of Youth Ministry