March 25, 2022

The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. – Numbers 26:5

Have you ever been stuck somewhere? Have you been out of money, no ride available, and didn’t know what you would do that night?  I have.

In 2006, I went to Italy, Switzerland, and Germany for a month of travel. I was a college student out to see Europe for the first time. I attended music conferences in Switzerland, but I also wanted to see some high school exchange students I had stayed in touch with who lived in Germany and Italy. Every day was a new adventure! The smell of bakeries in the morning, and amazing, centuries-old architecture were all around me. The music conferences were superb, and I made lifelong friends and heard some of my heroes play their farewell concerts. I even played an alphorn in the Swiss Alps!

At the end of my month of traveling, I headed to the airport via bus for my return flight to America. When we approached the airport, traffic was getting quite congested. At one point we just stopped and sat for 20 minutes. I started to get nervous, but still had plenty of time before my flight, or so I thought.

When we arrived at the airport, I made my way quickly to the counter to check in. They said they couldn’t help me, and that I had missed my check in time. They said you must check in no later than one hour before international flights, and I was 55 minutes out from my flight time. I just stood there. I didn’t know what to do. They said they were sorry, but I would have to book another flight.

I didn’t have enough money to buy another plane ticket. It was 2 a.m. in the states, but I called my parents to ask for help. I went back to the chairs by the ticket counter and collapsed. I held my head in my hands and prayed. I had just had the most inspirational month of my life, but now I was stuck with no idea how to get home. Then I heard a small voice. It was a woman at the airline counter calling me over. She said I had a flight heading out in two hours that would take me through Boston, and then continue to my destination. I cried and thanked her the best I could in Italian. I called my parents, and they were extremely relieved.

My day was completely turned around because of the kindness of a stranger. I will never forget how she made me feel in that moment of worry and fear. I had a ticket to go home, and there is nothing better than knowing you are heading home. It was the grace that was given to me that I aspire to give to others I encounter.

– Logan Fish, Director of Arts Programming & Edmond Campus Director of Hospitality