May 27, 2020

“So, let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9

The past few months have brought many difficult situations to our lives. Sheltering in place, not having in-person worship, many have lost their jobs; these are just some of the unwanted disruptions we have experienced in our lives.  It is easy to feel frustrated and worried, especially in these times that seem out of our control.

Detroit is a large city that has experienced many wonderful days. Unfortunately, the city has recently struggled and much of it is out of their control. Once supported by the great auto companies, changes in the world economy have caused the city of Detroit to come close to financial bankruptcy.  One of the many things that has suffered is the city’s parks.  Detroit has over 300 parks which have not been maintained, causing officials to announce they only had the budget to maintain 72 parks.

When people heard about the parks losing their funding, they quickly jumped into action.  One such group calls themselves the Detroit Mower Gang.  A group of men from around town with riding mowers put out a challenge to see who could mow the most miles of grass in city parks.  The one who mows the most receives the title of the Grand Champion of the “Motown Mowdown.”  The work of these men has helped the city of Detroit to continue to maintain all of their city parks.  It is a beautiful gift to a struggling city.

The truth is, there will always be times when we have a lack of control over parts of our lives.  It makes us feel powerless.  If you are the kind of person who likes to have a say in how things go, these past few weeks have probably caused some level of anxiety.  Our lives will always have parts that are beyond our control.  However, there is always a way to respond that will help to make a positive difference.  The Detroit Mower Gang could not have funded the work on all 300 parks in Detroit, but they responded with the good they could do.  Their work has made a difference.  When I read about these good neighbors on their lawnmowers, I was reminded that I cannot do all the good, but I can do good all of the time, no matter the situation.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship