April 18, 2023

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us…” -Romans 12:6

Vernon Jackson has taken his career to new heights in the past few years. Vernon owns and operates the Nobel Barber and Beauty shop in Cincinnati. By all measures his business is successful. What really makes his work unique and successful are Vernon’s VIP clients. They truly make Vernon’s a blessing to him and to so many. They are special clients who receive Vernon’s full attention.

Since 2021 Vernon has opened his barber shop, on his day off, to children with special needs. He provides these VIP clients and their parents a special, sensory sensitive haircut. Vernon had heard so many terrible stories about the problems parents and their children face when simply trying to get a haircut. He decided he could provide a special environment to help these children feel comfortable. By opening the shop to only one client at a time, Vernon can control the stimulus and help make each client relaxed. This provides for maximum comfort. When the clients are comfortable, they are more willing to allow their hair to be cut.

Vernon’s work has blessed so many children with special needs. His efforts have also blessed their parents. In fact, when Vernon started his work with these special children, others began to want to help make it successful. It started with one friend donating the cost of one haircut. Soon many others were donating to make sure that these children could get a haircut, and their parents would not have any financial burden. So many wanted to give to this work that Vernon started the “Gifted Program.” This allows Vernon to tell the parents that, “this is a gift from the community and me.”

People now travel from all over to have their children’s hair cut by Vernon Jackson. He has been contacted from as far away as Europe and Africa. By giving his time and undivided attention to these families, Vernon has taken what is often a challenge and made it into a pleasant experience for all. His compassion and love are evident when he is cutting hair. Vernon told the news that, “This has allowed me to love in my fullest capacity.”

Vernon Jackson is gifted with scissors and clippers. He is also gifted with compassion and patience. When Vernon saw a need he took the steps necessary to help. God has given each of us gifts to use to bless others. Like Vernon, we must listen and look around at the needs of others. When we see a need that matches our gifts, we take the steps necessary to share God’s love in our “fullest capacity.” God has given each of us gifts, let us use them to share love with all.

-Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship