December 16, 2018

I love action stories and movies. I love the thrill of not knowing what’s going to happen next. The anticipation builds and keeps you on the edge of your seat. When you can’t wait to get to the end of the story to know how it’s all going to turn out, you know you’ve got a good story.
For me, that’s what makes the Christmas story the greatest story ever told. The season of Advent is a season of anticipation. On one hand, we are anticipating the arrival of the Christ Child at Christmas. We anticipate the good news of great joy that comes for all people with a baby born in Bethlehem. But on the other hand, Advent is also a time when we anticipate that Christ will come again one day in all His glory.
Advent is a reminder to us that the greatest story ever told is not finished yet. It’s a reminder that the story is still being written, and we have the opportunity to choose to be part of that story. We can make it part of our story. Every day, we can live with the same kind of anticipation that keeps us on the edge of our seats wondering what kind of redemptive work God is going to do next. We get to live with anticipation of how hope is going to be shared with others. The best part of this story is that we don’t just sit back and watch it play out on a big screen; we get to participate in this story!
When you tell your story to others, do you tell it with a sense of excitement and anticipation? Can others tell by the way you live your life that you are on the edge of your seat, ready to participate in God’s activity of bringing hope to the world? This Advent, we get to be reminded of the greatest story ever told, and we get to help write that story with the way we live our lives. What does your life add to the story? What story will others tell about Jesus based on what they see in you today?
Rev. Josh Attaway, Edmond Campus Pastor