March 27, 2018

And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died, he said, “Surely this man was the Son of God!” – Mark 15:39
Reading through the Passion Story this year in preparation for the Lenten season, the above verse struck me differently this year. The centurion in this verse is mentioned in both Matthew and Mark. Both refer to him standing in front of the Jesus as He took His last breath and saying, “Surely this man was the Son of God.”
This Roman soldier would have been more than just an infantryman, typically having 80 or men report to him. He could have been there during the interrogation by Pilot, where Jesus made no defense for Himself. He might have been one of the soldiers that mocked and put a purple robe on Him. Many believe his men executed the orders to crucify Jesus, with him being the one who pierced the very side of Jesus. The Orthodox Church of America has him listed as a Saint and Martyr named Longinus.
Today I don’t want to focus on what people believed about this man, but what he said. The centurion would have been no stranger to matters of death, but he realized that the death of Jesus was something different, that Jesus was different than the others he had witnessed die. The action of Jesus during the last hours of His life left an impact on this Roman, enough that he would say He was the Son of God.
We have the benefit of knowing not just how Jesus died, but how He lived. We can read all about His miracles, His parables and teachings, and of course His death and resurrection; yet sometimes it can be hard for us to proclaim those same words. How often do we adjust our words based on those around us? Do we downplay the action He took on the cross, or the way He told us to love our neighbor because we are concerned of what others will think of us?
This week as we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross, I want to honor Him by proclaiming to all that Jesus was and is the Son of God.
Brent Manning, Director of Communications