“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” -Hebrews 10:24-25
Quality time with our friends and loved ones is important to our souls. When we take time to connect with one another we find that there is a joy that comes to us, that cannot be found when we do not spend time with others.
The owners at the Curry Pizza Company in Fresno, CA understand the importance of connecting with one another. This pizza company is now offering the “Talk to Each Other Discount.” If a group comes to eat at the restaurant, the staff at the Curry Pizza Company with offer to collect their cell phones and lock their phones away. If the group makes it through dinner without their phones they can choose from a discounted meal, or a free pizza to take home.
We were created to have quality time with one another. Quality time does not mean just being in the same room, it is an intentional focus on the people we are with. When share our feelings and actively listen to one another, we connect on a much deeper level than we do on social media, or while we are distracted by the other things around us.
How do you spend quality time with your friends and loved ones? Do you put away your devices and turn off the TV? Do spend time talking and listening? Maybe you could go for a walk or meet at a great restaurant. Regardless of the way you choose to connect, you will bless and be blessed if you are intentional about how you spend time with one another.
-Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor