May 30, 2019

“I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God” – Luke 12:8


This past year I did a few things for the first time. I took a Disciple Bible Study course. I played Ein Heldenleben with the Oklahoma City Philharmonic. I cooked meals for Edmond Mobile Meals. I volunteered for Vacation Bible School. I really nailed my process on smoking a brisket. All of these I consider huge milestones in my life.


I wanted to begin studying the Bible more. So, I took a course at St. Luke’s, and I grew in my faith. Through the class, I experienced the Bible with a group of people. We discussed how we felt about certain passages. We shared stories from our lives that these passages touched on. We delved into the history behind the books and talked about how that impacts our reading. It was a fantastic experience, and I will do it again.


Connecting with the people around us is the most important thing we can do. Whether we do this through serving food to the hungry, taking classes that help us grow spiritually and learn more about Christ, or sharing a word with someone in need and telling them they are worthy, and God loves them.


Getting to know one another is essential to building the kingdom of God. Have you found a new way to share, to grow, and to serve Christ in your life? We must find ways to continue growing in our commitment to each other and Christ. We must continue to share our story with others. What is something new you would like to do? Today is a good day to start.


Logan Fish, Edmond Campus Director of Hospitality