March 2, 2021

The season of Lent begins a time of spring cleaning in my life. Whether giving up something tangible or intangible, it feels good for my soul to let something go. A few years ago, I dropped social media. It was crazy how much better I felt about my life. It’s extremely easy to compare your life to another’s. You see “perfect” family photos or extravagant five-year-old birthday party decorations or even wonder why you weren’t invited to that fun event. We all know how hateful people can be with their comments as well. 

The worst was when both of my daughters told me I ignored them when I was on Facebook and they were right! I would be so involved with scrolling through my news feed that an hour would quickly go by. I remember answering questions, but having no recollection of what was said or what I had agreed to! That was a punch to the gut. I knew I needed to focus my energy in a more positive direction. 

Since giving it up a few years ago, I’ve trained myself to jump on a few times a week to post a birthday message or I’ll post a picture here and there. I’ll watch a church service with my husband, comment on a post, or like or love a picture. 

I have absolutely no idea how social media will play out in the coming years, as my girls get to an age where it might start to consume them. I hear the dangers all the time from friends who have kids in middle school. I know, firsthand, how addicting it can be. I challenge you to take a step back; to spring clean your life. You never know, it might open your eyes and give you freedom from something that you didn’t even know was weighing you down. 

Jamie Williamson, Edmond Campus Director of Administration