September 7, 2022

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” – 1 John 3:18

Our days are filled with so many things to do. Like many people, I leave the house each morning with a to-do list on my mind. I am ready to take on the day and my mind is focused on the events that occupy my calendar. I confess, looking for an opportunity to help others and express loving kindness is not always at the top of my list.

I am sure that the central Florida FedEx driver who became a viral sensation on social media was not looking to make a person’s day with his kindness (or maybe he was), but he sure blessed a neighbor’s morning and made everyone smile.

As people were on their way to work on a busy Monday morning, the FedEx driver was making his way throughout the neighborhood, delivering packages.  As he made his way down a neighborhood street, he quickly came to a stop. He backed his truck up, blocking in a car and driver attempting to back out of the driveway. The driver of the car who was blocked in was confused. When the FedEx driver jumped from his truck, the driver was worried. As the man from FedEx approached his car, the driver rolled down the window. Just then, the FedEx driver reached up to the top of the car and grabbed the coffee that the driver left on his car’s roof. The FedEx driver passed the coffee through the window and offered a smile and a thumbs up.

Saving that cup of coffee was such a small gesture, but it was a big blessing to all who witnessed. To see a person stop in their tracks and try to help someone else is a wonderful thing.  It is a reminder to us that we have multiple opportunities throughout the day to do something kind. Keep your eyes open today! You may just bless someone’s day and save their coffee too!

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship