March 24, 2018

When emotions are too much to express through words, music is the direct pathway to the soul. Everyone has those songs they remember playing on the radio while they were cruising around in high school; the song your mother sang you to sleep, or the theme song from your favorite movie or television show. I will never forget the first time I heard the soundtrack to Westside Story and the way Somewhere brought me to tears, and still does every time. Music has the rare ability to instantly transport us to another place and time emotionally.
As a worship leader, I cannot imagine a world without music. Yet, for a moment in time I stopped singing all together. When I lived in New York as an entertainer, I went through a time when the ‘show business’ side of performing began to spoil my joy for singing. Most auditions or shows seemed to be full of vocal acrobatics, or who could sing the highest or loudest; yet there was something very sad about that to me. True, many performers were very, very talented, but they were so self-involved that they lacked the heart and humility behind their beautiful gift.
It began to feel like a big show of, “Look what I can do!” God began to work in my heart about this issue of truly giving my voice and talents up to Him. I stopped singing in shows and at church and just listened for a few months. This allowed me to take a break and really put things into perspective.
There was a big sense of relief when I started to realize that it wasn’t about me; it was and is about Him. Using my voice as an instrument for bringing hope, love, and joy was actually something God intended. We all have gifts and abilities God has entrusted with us to use for His glory.
Worship is not about sounding perfect, or hitting the highest notes. It’s about bringing all you have, offering a spirit of humility, and giving Him all the honor and praise.
Every Sunday, I am beyond blessed and honored to be a part of the worship at St. Luke’s Edmond because I know it’s not about me. This week, looking towards Palm Sunday, I hope you sing from your heart the praises to our great Lord – Hosanna in the highest!
Savannah White, Edmond Campus Director of LifeLight Worship