December 18, 2018

Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word.  – Luke 1:1-2
 One of my favorite Christmas traditions happens on Christmas morning.  As soon as we wake up, we have orange rolls and get ready to open presents.  I can smell the aroma of the rolls as soon as I get out of bed. It immediately connects me to all of the past Christmas mornings since I was a baby.  In one moment, I am connected with my family and the traditions we have lived every Christmas morning for years.
Sights, sounds, even smells have a powerful way of triggering our memories and opening our mind’s eye to see and remember a lifetime of events. The same is true when we read and hear a story that has been an important part of our life. When I read the story of the birth of Jesus, I immediately begin to picture the sights, the sounds, and the events that take place around the birth of Jesus. Reading the story instantly helps to connect me to the meaning of the holiday.  In one moment, I am connected with my family of faith and the birth of Jesus that we have celebrated for centuries. I am reminded of the hope we all share as the Children of God.
The eyewitness accounts are something that we should all cherish. It is through the stories of Christ’s birth and throughout His ministry that inspires us to continue in our faith. This Christmas ask yourself, “What traditions and stories am I handing down that will help connect people to the Christ Child?”
Hannah Lambert, Threefold Manager