December 21, 2019

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. – Hebrews 13:16

Christmas time at St. Luke’s Children’s Centers is a very happy time of year. We have lots of great things going on in all the centers. We want the children to learn the true meaning of Christmas and giving; so we do a clothing and diaper drive for the Infant Crisis Center and a food drive for the Food Pantry. They make Christmas Cards for our local nursing homes, and the seniors just love receiving them and the smiles on their faces speak a thousand words. The children at all our centers also do a musical production for their parents every year in December. The rooms are filled with music and joy and lots of moms, dads, grandparents, and friends who want to watch these little ones sing seasonal songs. There is not a more beautiful place to be on this day.

For me and the four site directors, Christmas is also a time when we can give back to the teachers. They have worked hard all year teaching the children and making sure they are being prepared to move forward in life.

The staff Christmas Party is always a great gathering. It is a time when teachers and management can bring their significant others and sit together and socialize and not have to look after little children. We can celebrate all the accomplishments of the year, and all the lives we bless each day at work. Each year, we have a theme; last year’s was “These are a few of my favorite things.” We gave everyone a pair of gloves with St. Luke’s logo on them. The year before, we had a meal and decorated like an old-fashioned diner with ice cream floats and cookies. It was so festive and beautiful.

Sharing the Christmas spirit with my work family is such a blessing to be able to do. To know that we all love and support each other and work together as a team.  In the Christmas spirit, we are able to give back to the employees and their immediate families a token of our love and gratitude for all they do every day.

What do you do with your work family to celebrate gratitude and give back to each other? Christmas is a time to celebrate the season. Jesus is the reason we are all together, celebrating His birth.

Gabrielle Moon, Executive Director St. Luke’s Children’s Centers