April 26, 2023

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” – Lamentations 3:22-24

Our days are filled with small pictures of beauty and joy. It is sometimes difficult to see the good things around us. Our focus determines what we see. If we are focused on the negative, it will seem as though we only encounter bad things in our lives. If we are intentional about looking for the positive in our lives, we will find we encounter more beauty and joy than we realize.

Jason Hardesty is a wonderful example of how we can spend our days looking for moments of beauty and joy. Jason is a driver for UPS. He delivers packages in New Orleans. A few years ago, Jason decided to take a few pictures of dogs along his delivery route. He posted them to his social media account. It made Jason and his friends so happy. Jason soon began taking selfies with pets, while driving his route. He would make posts every Friday.

Soon, Jason’s social media following began to grow. He became a local celebrity. People were excited to see each new post. Jason found cute and lovable dogs to pose with. However, it is not just the pets that make people want to follow Jason, but the smile Jason has in his photos. There is true joy in each photo.

Driving for UPS is a challenging job. Jason found a way to capture moments of Joy while completing his route. Jason could have focused on the number of boxes he had to deliver, the challenge of traffic, or any other obstacle he encountered, but he decided to look around for small pictures of beauty and joy… and he found them. In fact, he constantly finds them.

Our lives are filled with blessings. If we take time to look around, we will see them. If we look for beauty and joy in our midst, we will find it. Our focus determines what we will see. I hope today you will look around and see the blessings, including a few happy puppies along the way.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship