November 28, 2017

As a result of your ministry, they will give glory to God. For your generosity to them and to all believers will prove that you are obedient to the Good News of Christ. And they will pray for you with deep affection because of the overflowing grace God has given to you.
– 2 Corinthians 9:13-14
I came across a story this week about a school in Pennsylvania, HW Good Elementary School. Almost half of the students at this elementary school, like many in the U.S., qualify for free and reduced lunch based on their family’s income. Many of these students still cannot afford their lunch fees, and they accrue more and more lunch money debt throughout the year. For many families, this debt can be a significant burden.
A man called the principal of this elementary school a few days ago, asking about lunch money debts. He was curious about the amount of debt that existed, and how many students were unable to pay their outstanding balances. He also asked if there were any students that had very large balances, and of course the principal said “yes.” After they spoke, the man who wished to remain anonymous, gave the school a check to cover over $900 in student lunch money debt, clearing all of the outstanding balances for these students. In addition, he also offered to pay for the rest of the month’s lunches for the student with the largest overdue balance. The school is now calling the unidentified man their “Secret Santa” as they sent a note out to parents with the news of this kind man’s generosity.
Sometimes when we think about giving, we tend to dream big. Maybe when we compare our gifts to those of others, our gifts can seem small or insignificant. Perhaps when thinking about giving, we don’t jump right to lunch money but prefer a more exciting project. However, it is the act of giving and the act of loving others that is pleasing to God. And with every kind thing we do, we reflect on the nature of God, who taught us how to give and how to love with our whole hearts. As we continue our Advent sermon series, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” we must constantly ask ourselves, how can we bless life for those around us? Because as we mirror the loving nature of God, we grow closer and closer to Him. And in my opinion, that’s what truly makes this “a wonderful life.”
 Candace Fish, Edmond Campus Director of Traditional Worship