Rev. Wendy Lambert had an excellent message Sunday in which she talked about the problem of anger and how it seems to be increasing not only in this country but around the world. The sermon spoke to me for many reasons. She talked about road rage and I thought to myself, everyday I experience that on my drive to the church from Norman. If you’ve ever witnessed a demolition derby where drivers deliberately ram their cars into each other then you understand what it is like to drive on Interstate 35. Most of the time I just try and stay clear of the crazies but I admit I lose my temper at times and find myself zipping in front of folks who have cut me off. Anger is a real problem on our highways.
Wendy also talked about the lack of communication and the disrespect between members of opposing political parties. This is nothing new but without a doubt the problem has gotten worse in the last several years. It’s no longer just a few oddball politicians on the fringes who say crazy things and constantly insult their opponents. It is now the folks who are the leaders in their parties who daily participate in the demonization of fellow Americans. I was reminded of a Proverb that speaks to me. It is Proverbs 29:11….” A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man quietly holds it back.”
We need more leaders in our communities and country who are wise men and women who practice self-control. And to be sure, I include myself among those who sometimes vent their anger instead of “quietly holding back.”
Truth is that what sometimes comes out of my mouth is like what my grand-daughter, Grace, spews forth when she burps after taking formula. Paul writes in Ephesians…”Let no evil come out of your mouth.” The Greek word for evil is “Sapros,” which is typically used to describe food that has been spoiled. It is putrefied or rotten. Everyday, we are subjected to the anger and venom that spews forth from leaders of both parties and I know I am part of the problem. Perhaps you are as well. We all need to be wise and remember the words of the Proverb…” A fool gives full vent to his or her anger, but a wise person practices self-control.”
Rev. Dave Poteet, Pastor of Congregational Care