September 9, 2022

“This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.” – Joshua 1:8

School has started! School is a big deal in our house. I have three daughters who are students in high school, middle school and elementary. My wife is a teacher. The first few weeks of school are busy, to say the least. The start of school brings many new and exciting opportunities for students. Often, they are learning a new schedule. Each year brings new social settings and extracurricular events. There are new academic challenges, as well.

Regardless of the many new things that students experience, they often hear the same thing from teachers. No matter what new class they are taking, the teacher usually tells the students that when working on an assignment, the first thing they should do is read the directions.

Many good teachers have reminded us how important it is to read the directions. To take a moment and make sure we are aware of what is being asked of us is important if we want to make the best of our efforts.

Instructions are significant for us as a people of faith. Before we begin our day of work or school, we should take a moment to read the directions. The Bible is that wonderful book that reveals to us God’s will for our lives. As we read the stories found in the pages of the scriptures our minds become aware of God’s work in the world. We also become aware of God’s work in and through us.

I want to encourage you, as we begin this day, to read the directions. Take a little time and read the Bible. A little time reading a part of the story is a blessing for our mind and soul. Reading the Bible is one important way we grow in our faith. God has provided guidance to us. We can know God’s will for us. Just read the instructions.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship