October 12, 2020

The job of a parent is constant. A significant amount of the time, parents provide a taxi service of sorts for their children. In between dropping them off at school, practice, games, and other events, parents often have to be creative in finding time to feed their kids in the midst of their busy schedules.  That is what Brittany Reed was doing when she picked up her son after football practice and stopped at McDonald’s for a quick dinner. They ordered their meal and pulled around to pay. When they arrived at the first window, Brittany realized that she did not have her wallet.

When Brittany realized that she could not pay, she told the young man who was working at the window that she would return to pay. Wyatt was the young man who was working at the McDonald’s window. He realized that Brittany was tired, and her kids were hungry. Without hesitation, Wyatt took out his wallet and paid for the Reed’s meal.

Brittany Reed was shocked by Wyatt’s kind gesture. When she arrived home, she posted on social media about the kind young man who helped her out in her moment of need. The community responded. Before long, word was passed on to Wyatt’s mom. Brittany said, “He made this stressed out momma pause for a moment and realize this is exactly what we parents are trying to do, raise great humans.”

The community of Waynesville, Ohio, was inspired by Wyatt’s kindness. Word began to spread that Wyatt was working at McDonald’s to save up money for a car.  Soon, a GoFundMe account was set up by Reed. Her hope was to help Wyatt raise a little money, maybe $5,000 towards a car. To date, the fund has raised over $35,000.

When I first heard this story, I was overwhelmed by the back and forth sharing of kindness and compassion. Each day we have several opportunities to show kindness. In the midst of our busy daily tasks, we encounter people who are in need of our compassion. If we can help, we should. If we can help bring a moment of peace, we should. Good neighbors care for one another in need. Good neighbors express kindness each time the opportunity arises. I hope today we will all be looking for opportunities to be good neighbors.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship