When I was a young teenager, I received a new Teen Study Bible. One of the study tools included in the back was a Bible reading plan. This included small boxes for each chapter of the Bible to check off as you read. If you read 3 chapters a day and 5 chapters on Sunday then you can read the Bible in a year! I set out with this goal in mind.
I started reading one or two of the books of the Gospels in the New Testament and then went to Genesis to read from the beginning of the Old Testament. So far, I had been pretty disciplined and consistent in my efforts, missing a day here and there, but I was able to keep up. Somewhere in Leviticus (which wasn’t keeping my interest!) I began to falter. The chapters were adding up and to get caught up in my goal I needed to read 9 chapters, 15 chapters, and soon I was nearly 30 chapters behind!
At that point, I couldn’t see past the looming 30 chapters of the books of the Law. I knew that I had failed in my plan and it seemed impossible to climb out of it. I finally realized that instead of looking at the overwhelming circumstances and thinking that I needed to read 30 or more chapters in one day to catch up, I needed to again just take one day at a time. I switched books to explore other parts of the Bible. And while I honestly don’t think that I’ve ever read ALL of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, I’ve read most of the rest of the Bible and I’m glad that my circumstances of being overwhelmed did not keep me from the gift of God’s Word.
I think the same situation can happen in our lives. When we are overwhelmed by our circumstances or challenges, we can give up and get stuck. At these points, sometimes the best thing we can do is to take one day at a time. We might also need to refocus so that we can receive the full gift of what God can do in these experiences. No matter what you may be facing today, remember that God is with you and he has called you to live life well. With these promises, you can face any circumstances by refocusing and taking just one day at a time.
Amy Givens, Director of Youth Ministries