December 8, 2017

Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, that your days may be prolonged and that it may go well with you on the land which the Lord your God gives you. – Deuteronomy 5:16

I will never forget when I was nine years old, I would sit with my 96-year-old great-grandmother, Emily. For hours I would hold her hand and listen to her stories. She would tell me about what she would call the “olden days” and how things were so different. I would sit intently listening to her, tales of when she was a little girl, and how life was so different, especially during World War I and II. How they were evacuated from their houses to the countryside in England and how they had to have coupons to get food. She didn’t look back on those times with sorrow, but with fondness and love for the family she was taking care of and the love they all had for each other. She would also tell me stories about my mother and how she would come to stay with her during her summer holidays. I also remember hearing from my own mother how much she cherished the time she spent with her Grandma. She loved to help her make treacle pudding around the Christmas season.

Now that I am a grandmother, I love to have my grandchildren in my house all the time, but it is especially exciting when they are there for the Christmas season. I love it when they come and help me make cookies, candy and all the yummy foods that we have during this festive time. Jacob, my middle grandchild, especially loves to help me mop the floors! I am so grateful to see my grandchildren want to help me in so many different ways. I pray that they will continue to bless their children and grandchildren in the same ways I was blessed by my grandparents and great-grandparents.

As I look back on my life and all the special times I spent with my grandparents and great-grandparents, I cannot find a time that I regret helping them in any way. In fact, I feel fondness in these memories. Life is so crazy for most of us all the time, we should all take the time once in a while to reflect back on memories we have with the people we loved and had the opportunity to care for in our lives. It always puts a smile on my face to remember. Take time today to remember those you have been able to care for in your life.

Gabrielle Moon, Executive Director, St. Luke’s Children’s Centers