March 30, 2018

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. – Luke 5:16
Jesus’ life is recorded in the Gospels as a faithful example to us all. His dedication to His Father, His compassion for the people, and His work to share the good news of God’s love for the world is the model we are called to follow so that we ourselves live a faithful life.
Luke makes it very clear that part of the faithful life of Jesus was his dedication to prayer. Yes, Jesus taught in public gatherings, He healed the sick, He debated the teachers of the law and He performed miracles, but it seems that Jesus spent as much time in prayer as He did interacting with the people.
In the 5th chapter, Luke tells the story of Jesus encountering a man who has leprosy. The man falls on his knees and begs for healing and mercy. Jesus, filled with compassion, reaches out and heals the man. Luke tells us that, “Immediately the leprosy left him.” What an amazing moment! Luke then makes it clear that as the news begins to spread and people begin looking for Jesus, that Jesus found a quiet, out of the way place to pray.
Although our days are not filled with many of the same things that Jesus did, our days are filled. We have busy work schedules, heavy demands on our time, and struggles that take so much of our energy. How do we remain faithful, dedicated people in the midst of our crazy days? Jesus’ example shows us. Luke records, “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” To focus on God, to draw near to our source of grace and encouragement, we must take time to pray.
As we move closer to the great celebration of Easter, I want to encourage you to look to the example of Jesus. Take some time during this season of Lent to withdraw and pray. When we are intentional about drawing close to God, we will find strength and focus in the midst of the busy and demanding moments of our lives.
Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor