February 1, 2024

“In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” -John 1:4-5

Our lives are filled with opportunities to bless other people. When we take a moment to consider how we can use our resources to help others, we can truly make a difference. We can help others, even when we are going through difficult times. Kindness is the light that brightens even our darkest days.

I was reminded of this fact when I read a story about a wedding that was sadly called off. There is a lot of pain when a relationship is severed, and a potential marriage comes to an end. That is what happened to a bride-to-be just last month. Just days before the wedding the couple decided to cancel. To make matters worse, the bride had paid $15,000 for the reception. Because the wedding was called off so close to the reserved date, they would not receive a refund.

Although she was terribly sad to see her relationship end, the bride and her family decided to bring joy to others. She reached out to Parents Helping Parents, a local non-profit that helps families who care for loved ones with disabilities. With little time to plan, the leadership of Parents Helping Parents planned a “Ball for All.” Instead of hosting a wedding reception, the staff of the Eagle Ridge Golf Club hosted 100 people for a night of joy. There was beautiful fine china, fancy food, cake, and a DJ. The well-planned wedding reception became an unexpected blessing for so many deserving people.

Maria Daane, the Executive Director of Parents Helping Parents would tell the local NBC news in San Jose, California, how the incredible gift was such a blessing to so many. She expressed her gratitude to the bride, who wished to be anonymous. Daane would tell the news, “It makes me feel so grateful for the resilience and kindness of people—that this bride could do something so generous and so thoughtful in the face of her own sadness is inspiring.”

Kindness is inspiring. When we use our resources to care for others, we help bring joy and hope. In our challenging moments of life, helping others often blesses us, as well. Life is filled with trials, but our kindness is a light that brightens our lives, no matter how difficult and dark our day may be.

-Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship