May 31, 2019

May 31, 2019


“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.  I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” -John. 13: 14-15


This past week St. Luke’s was, once again, honored to host the ordination worship service for the Oklahoma Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. It is truly a powerful and moving worship services. The music, the singing, the prayers, the sermon all seem to be especially strong. The beauty of the sanctuary and the gathering of Methodist from across the state make for a wonderful setting.


During the ordination service, men and women who have been on the 7+ year journey to ordination have the opportunity to kneel, have the Bishop place hands on them and ordain them into a new role into the life of ministry. It is a wonderful moment of celebration as we see God continue to call workers into the harvest. (Matthew 9:38)


As I watched this year’s ordination service, I could not help but think about my own ordination service 8 years ago. My family and friends gathered as we celebrated the end of my journey towards ordination. During my ordination, Bishop Hayes took some extra time to do something for all of those who were being ordained. It was a powerful moment that has left an indelible impression on my life.


In the midst of a very busy worship service, Bishop Hayes took a pitcher of water and a bowl. He brought each person up, sat them in a chair and washed their feet. It was a powerful moment, to say the least. To have my bishop wash my feet was a moment that changed my life.


When that time was over, Bishop Hayes handed me the towel that he used to wash my feet. I keep that towel in my office to remind me of the ministry that God has called each of to perform. You will remember it was on that night, so long ago, when Jesus and his disciples had made a long journey to Jerusalem, he got up from the table, took a bowl of water and a towel and washed the feet of his disciples. When he had finished washing their feet, he told them, “You also should wash one another’s feet.”


All of God’s children are called to live the life of a servant. We are to see the needs of those around us, humble ourselves and allow God to work through us to meet those needs. You do not have to be ordained to serve as Christ has called us to serve. We must simply be willing to do as Jesus did. When we do other around us will come to know the power of the love of God who is in their midst; all because God’s children were willing to serve, just as Jesus taught us.


-Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor