March 19, 2020

There’s so much happening in our world that isn’t good!  It distresses me to read about family members hurting one another.  I’m sad for people who will do nearly anything to get their hands on illegal drugs.  I can’t believe there are moms and dads who won’t take care of their children.  And I surprise myself regularly by making questionable choices; saying things I shouldn’t say or thinking thoughts that are in no way good for anyone!  It’s easy to allow our thoughts and words to become negative when all around us is “Bad News!”

I remember a pastor regularly praying this prayer aloud in church: “May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.”  These beautiful and timeless words are from Psalm 19:14.

How about your words and thoughts?  Are they kind, are they necessary, are they true, are they helpful, are they inspiring?  What if we all prayed Psalm 19:14 every day: “May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer?”  Maybe we’d think before speaking or posting on social media.  Maybe we’d clear our head of unkind thoughts toward others.  Maybe we’d remember that our strength really does come from God, who has also redeemed us through His Son, Jesus!   Just the final two words of this scripture should be enough for all of us to be ecstatic: “my redeemer.”  God, who loves us unconditionally, sent His Son to save us!  When we say the wrong things, when we think the wrong thoughts, when we do things we shouldn’t do, there’s Jesus!  When we need strength to make it through the minute, the hour, the day, there’s Jesus!

When our mouths and minds are full of bad things, it doesn’t leave room for things that are good.  Want to say something good today, or share something positive on social media?  Tell someone about God, who loves all of us more than we’ll ever know, who strengthens us for each day’s journey, and who forgives us time and again!  Now that’s good news!

Susan Easttom, Director of Family Ministry