“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” – Luke 10:36-37
Neighbors are not defined by geography. A neighbor can live next door, down the street, or thousands of miles away. A neighbor is not defined by distance, but by how we treat each other.
Aidan Jackson showed the world this week that you can be a good neighbor, regardless of distance. Aidan was in his room in Widnes, England. He was playing an online video game with his friend, Dia Lathora, who lived in Texas. While the two were playing their video game, Aidan experienced a medical emergency. Dia was sure that Aidan was experiencing something like a seizure.
Dia was deeply concerned for her friend and began searching for the emergency number in Widnes, England. It was not long until the paramedics arrived at Aiden’s home. Aiden’s parents answered the door with no clue that their son was in danger in his own room. When they went into Aiden’s room, they found him unresponsive.
Thankfully, Aiden is doing well. His family is deeply grateful to Dia for her help and quick thinking. Dia knew her friend was in need. She did not let distance, or any other excuse get in her way of helping. That is what a neighbor does. A neighbor shows mercy. A neighbor helps in times of need.
– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship