“What goes in is what comes out.”
“We are what we eat.”
“Lay down with dogs and get up with fleas.”
And all those sayings…there’s a huge truth there that we so often forget about
Recently, I was challenged by our administrative team to read the book, “The No Complaining Rule.” In the book, the author talks about the hazards of negativity in the workplace and in our personal lives
Negativity, whether in the music we listen to, the shows we watch, or the books we read breeds more negativity which can carry over into the way we interact with others.
I found myself mindlessly complaining about everything from how cold my office was to how I just didn’t understand a person’s choices. I realized that my daughter was playing pretend one day I noticed she was copying my mindless complaints-WHAT A WAKE UP! Something had to change.
Brene Brown once said, “We hold onto pessimism because it’s safe. But to hold onto hope, love and joy- that takes courage”
I want to challenge you to be mindful of what you are putting into your body and mind.
We can play positive music, making time to read our Bible each day, and be mindful that we are having the courage to be positive.
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, think on such things.
-Mandi Moon, Director St. Luke’s Children Centers